Service info
10:30am – 12:00noon
In the Church Building
A time for Worship, Teaching and Fellowship.
Our Sunday morning service is an opportunity for our church community to come together
to serve the Lord and serve one another. The service is followed by tea, cake and time to
spend together.
Children and Youth Church
We currently have three Children’s Church groups that begin after a period of worship and
end once the service is finished.
Tots’ Church
Young children from 9 months until they start school.
More than a creche facility, we believe that even our youngest children can learn about and
experience God and the things He has for them. Parents are welcome to stay with their
children or leave them in the care of the ministry team.
Kids’ Church
P1 (school start) – P5 (9yrs)
Developing friendships, having fun, delving into the Word, learning more about living in
relationship with God and experiencing all that He has for them. Kids’ Church is a place to do
all of this and more in a safe, loving environment.
Youth Church
P6 onwards (10yrs +)
Join us as we have fun together – exploring the Word, building friendships, deepening our
relationship with God and discovering all that God has for us as we learn to live for Him.
Nursing Mothers
There is also space made available for nursing mothers should they wish to make use of it,
with a television hooked up to the sanctuary (when it works) so that they can take care of
little ones in peace and not miss out on the day’s teaching.
The Café
area is also available for anyone who’s children are unable to settle in the
sanctuary but are also not ready for children’s work.
Information on the team leaders of the Children’s Ministry’s can be found here: