Pastor Jon works with the core leadership team to make sure that the Church at Stirling continues it’s God given mission; to Reach the lost with the good news of the Gospel, Raise a champion church and be a Resource to the wider body and to make sure that we do this with our God given cultural values.
Please let him know if you want to get involved in Reaching, Raising and Resourcing, have any questions about the Church, want any help with scriptural questions or if you need pastoral care.
Helen currently leads the Kids’ Church ministry, ministering to children from 5 to 9 years old and currently leads our Monday morning Tots Zone group. She also works with the women through the Inspire group which enables women to Reach, Raise and Resource one another through our (most) monthly meetings in which we share our stories and minister to one another.
Pastor Jon and Helen work on most other things as a team so come and talk to either of them about anything. Much of Helen’s time is spent looking after their four children supporting the ministry in all kinds of ways, both practically and spiritually.